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Office Hours

Summer Office Hours (May 20-Aug 9): Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: Closed


Department Phone Email Location
Academic Affairs 570-945-8316 academicaffairs@pulounge.com Sickler Hall
Admissions 570-945-8111
admissions@pulounge.com Sabiston Hall
Adult & Online Learning (KCVC) 570-945-8380 online@pulounge.com Ward Hall, 2nd Floor
Alumni Relations 570-945-8162
alumnirelations@pulounge.com Sisson Hall
Athletics Department 570-945-8231 athletics@pulounge.com Gambal Athletic Center
Book Store 859-209-6958 Email
Business & Finance Office 570-945-8513 businessoffice@pulounge.com Ward Hall, 3rd floor
Campus Safety 570-945-8997
Emergency: 570-945-8989
campussafety@pulounge.com Hollinshead, 1st floor
Career Development  570-945-8337 careers@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
Chamberlin Center for Student Life 570-945-8400 studentlife@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Campus Ministry 570-945-8253 campusministry@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Civic Engagement & Service Learning 570-945-8253 studentactivities@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Commuter Living 570-945-8400 commuterliving@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Counseling and Well-Being Center
Well-Being: wellbeing@pulounge.com
Counseling and Well-Being Center
Tewksbury Hall, 1st floor
—–Diversity on Campus
570-945-8253 diversityservices@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd Floor
—–Intramural Sports & Recreation 570-945-8253 taylor.cercone@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Residence Life 570-945-8271 residencelife@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Student Activities & Leadership 570-945-8253 studentactivities@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Student Conduct 570-945-8773 studentconduct@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
Children’s Center 570-945-8260 childrencenter@pulounge.com Children’s Center
College Communications 570-945-8158 publicrelations@pulounge.com Alumni Hall, 2nd floor
Countryside Conservancy 570-945-6995 cconserv@epix.net Wyoming Hall
Financial Assistance & Planning (Student Central) 1-800-824-2764
studentcentral@pulounge.com Student Central Ward Hall, 1st Floor
Honors Program 570-945-8252 honors@pulounge.com
Human Resources 570-945-8371 humanresources@pulounge.com Ward Hall,3rd floor
Institutional Advancement 570-945-8162 development@pulounge.com Sisson Hall
Institutional Review Board 570-945-8490 reviewboard@pulounge.com
International Student Services 570-945-8252 internationalservices@pulounge.com Sickler Hall
Juvenile Justice Institute 570-945-8496 jjustice@pulounge.com Harris Hall
KCEEI – Keystone College Environmental Institute 570-945-8621 kceei@pulounge.com Jennings Hall
Keystone College Press 570-945-8600 kcpress@pulounge.com Sickler Hall
Keystone Fitness Center 570-910-0303 keystonefitnesscenter@gmail.com Keystone Commons 
Miller Library 570-945-8335 library@pulounge.com
—–Tutoring and Writing Center 570-945-8335 tutoring@pulounge.com Tutoring Center,
Miller Library, main floor
Performance Music 570-945-8599 music@pulounge.com Theatre in Brooks
Post Office 570-945-8383 postoffice@pulounge.com Ward Hall, Lower Level
President’s Office 570-945-8502 Ward Hall
Professional Development Institute John P. Gorel, Director, Adult & Online Learning
pdi@pulounge.com Ward Hall
Regional 3-D Center 570-945-8466 kc3d@pulounge.com Theatre in Brooks
Registrar 570-945-8224 registrar@pulounge.com Student Central
Ward Hall, Main floor
Schools and Programs 570-945-8461 bonnie.richards@pulounge.com Sickler Hall
—–Catering/Special Events 570-945-8915 events@pulounge.com
—–College Green Eatery and Market 570-945-8009 Keystone Commons
—–Dining Services 570-945-5300 diningservices@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 1st floor
—–Facilities Services Submit facilities work order. Patrick Hall
—–Steak n Shake 570-945-8909 Keystone Commons
Student Central / Student Accounts 570-945-8300 studentcentral@pulounge.com Ward Hall, Main floor
Student Success Center 570-945-8980 success@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center, 2nd floor
—–Act 101 570-945-8988 act101@pulounge.com Student Success Center
—–Advising Services 570-945-8980 advising@pulounge.com Student Success Center
—–Disability Services 570-945-8988 ods@pulounge.com Student Success Center
—–Test Proctoring 570-945-8980 proctoring@pulounge.com Student Success Center
Study Abroad 570-945-8252 internationalservices@pulounge.com Center for International Studies, Sickler Hall
Technology Services 570-945-8778 helpdesk@pulounge.com Tech Corner
Hibbard Campus Center,
2nd floor
Thomas G. Cupillari Observatory 570-945-8402 observatory@pulounge.com Route 107 and Hack Road in Fleetville, PA
Veteran Services 570-945-8400 veteranservices@pulounge.com  Alumni Hall
WKCV-LP 103.5 Radio 570-945-8457 gregory.palaskas@pulounge.com Hibbard Campus Center